Hey, I’m Daniel Yen Tu. Email me HERE for any reason.

I direct movies. I also write screenplays.

I’m currently writing two feature screenplays which are both funded — one for a Sundance alum and another for an established indie director.

I also write and direct my own shorts. I am leading an LDS Anthology Feature Film set to be released this year.

Here’s a trailer for my old student film, Stickup Kid (2019). It is not indicative of my current style/work.

We were nominated for five student Emmys and won 3, Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best Writing. We premiered at the Boston Film Festival and played at the South East New England festival as well as Red Rock.

I’ve worked in the Utah film industry in various roles as well, mostly on commercials in uncredited positions. Here is my IMDb page.


I currently work at the School of Visual Storytelling and produce the podcast Three Point Perspective. Here are some links:

  1. Society of Visual Storytelling

  2. Three Point Perspective

  3. SVSLearn Youtube

And here is my LinkedIn. (I am currently unavailable for podcast production and freelance work)

Welcome to the bio section of the website. Please enjoy this high-resolution photo of me, accompanied by a short biography that I will write in the third person, which is a foolish tradition that yet persists.


Daniel Yen Tu

Born in Australia to Taiwanese parents, Daniel Yen Tu is an independent writer/director currently based in Utah. He likes art, movies, and collecting Disco and Soul records. If you have any recommendations for obscure Soul and Disco singles, please email him at the provided address immediately.

Thank you for being witness to my online presence.

If you have any feedback or just want to chat, reach out to me right here.